A long catalogue of personal challenges and bereavement had left me with appalling sleep habits and a tendency to comfort eat. A close friend suggested that Charlotte may be able to help. After a free consultation I knew that this was going to be the answer to my 3.00 am prayers. Charlotte is extremely professional and yet very approachable, the sessions were conducted over SKYPE which is remarkably easy and effective.
From the first session my sleep pattern improved dramatically. Charlotte explained the nature and importance of good quality sleep and had provided an MP3 for use when sleep was eluding me.
12 sessions with Charlotte saw me getting good quality sleep every night and getting so much more achieved in my day. I have subsequently lost weight without even noticing it. 6 months later and I'm a completely different person, I can not thank Charlotte enough for the difference she has made in my life. I now sleep well without feeling the need to tell everyone, as it's become the norm. Personal relationships have improved as a result of our sessions, I'm much calmer and more reasonable. I feel able to deal with any challenges calmly, rationally and immediately.
Thank you Charlotte, my guardian angel! All SKYPE appointments
The Pebble Ridge Practice
Nicola, Winchester.